Menifee County

Menifee County

Menifee County became part of Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District during the state's redistricting procress, which became law in 2022. 

Congressman Rogers launched a number of programs to help every county in Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District, including organizations such as Eastern Kentucky PRIDEOperation UNITE, Southeast Kentucky Economic Development (SKED)The Center for Rural Development and Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR). The non-profit organizations bring local communities together by revitalizing the environment, providing hope in the fight against drugs, creating jobs and expanding small businesses, and boosting tourism in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. 

One of the main purposes of The Center for Rural Development is to cultivate our future leaders in southern and eastern Kentucky through unique youth programs and scholarship opportunities for students in the mountains.  

The Rogers Scholars Program has reached 1,500 high school students since 1998, a number that grows by roughly 60 rising Juniors every summer. 

The Rogers Explorers Program focuses on middle school students and expanding their horizons. Since 2006, more than 2,250 students have completed the program. 

The Entreprenuerial Leadership Institute inspires students are who interested in starting their own business or exploring the details of what it takes to create and operate a small business. This exclusive program is limited to less than 25 students every year. 

Click here for more information about The Center's youth programs and learn how to apply.