Committee Assignments

Committee Assignments
House Appropriations Committee (1981-present, Chairman 2011-2016)
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science (Chairman 118th Congress)
House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations (Ranking Member of 116th-117th Congress & Chairman of 115th Congress)
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (2016-present)

Previous Committee Assignments    
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science (2016-2018)
House Energy and Commerce Committee (1981-1982)
House Budget Committee (1987-1992)

Congressional Caucus Membership
A congressional caucus is a group of members interested in the pursuit of common legislative goals and ideals. Rogers is proud to serve on the following caucuses:

Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse, Co-Founder and Co-Chair
As a long-time advocate for multi-tiered solutions to the ever-growing epidemic that has wrought havoc on communities large and small, Rogers co-founded the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse with Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack.  This caucus aims to unite like-minded policy-makers in raising awareness of abuse, while working towards innovative and effective policy solutions incorporating treatment, prevention, law enforcement and research.

Congressional Coal Caucus
This bi-partisan caucus was created to promote awareness of the country’s most abundant and affordable supply of energy, the hundreds of thousands of American jobs dependent on the industry, and the new technologies on the horizon to make coal use cleaner and safer.  Rogers has long supported the responsible, safe and efficient mining and use of coal, as nearly one-third of all the coal mines in the country are in Kentucky, more than in any other State, making coal a vital component of southern and eastern Kentucky’s economy.    Today, the Fifth Congressional District is home to nearly 500 mining operations and over 17,000 mine operators and contractors. Thousands of additional jobs are directly tied to the industry in the region.  The Commonwealth gets over 90% of its electricity from coal, keeping rates affordable for families and industry.

Congressional Sportsmen Caucus
Founded in 1989, this bi-partisan caucus aims to maintain and increase the public’s engagement and participation in outdoor activities, particularly hunting, fishing, and shooting sports. The caucus promotes policies and legislative initiatives that protect the rights of hunters, trappers and anglers (particularly those guaranteed under the Second Amendment).

Congressional Pro-Life Caucus
Rogers has been unwavering in his protection of the rights of the unborn.  This caucus provides Members with timely information about pro-life issues in pending legislation and coordinates with pro-life groups around the country.

Congressional Rural Caucus and Congressional Rural Health Caucus
The bi-partisan Congressional Rural Caucus keeps members informed about issues and legislation affecting rural districts, with a particular emphasis on rural healthcare, education, and agriculture.  Given the recent attention paid to health care policy, the Congressional Rural Health Caucus focuses more narrowly on developments pertinent to rural hospitals and health care providers.

National Guard and Reserve Caucus
Our nation is a safer place because of the sacrifices our brave men and women in uniform have made. As a former member of the Kentucky National Guard, Rogers has always supported programs that serve their best interests.  The National Guard and Reserve Caucus places a particular emphasis on issues facing our men and women serving in this capacity.

Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Meth
The bi-partisan Congressional Caucus works to educate Members of Congress, their staff and the American public about the growing lethal threat that meth abuse and production poses to all facets of our communities. Rogers is committed to stopping meth use and production by directing congressional attention to the growing meth epidemic.