Rowan County

Bringing tourism to the region is another important way to boost economic development and create jobs.  Working with community leaders, Rogers secured funding for the Morehead Rowan County Airport so that there are increased transportation options for southern and eastern Kentucky. He also secured important tourism funds for Cave Run Lake so that area residents can continue to enjoy this important lake, one of Kentucky’s treasures.

The health and wellbeing of individuals, families and seniors in southern and eastern Kentucky is a priority for Rogers.  As such, he has secured federal funds for the Regional Center for Health and Education Research at the St. Claire Medical Center.  St. Claire Medical Center works in conjunction with Morehead State University to provide medical support, raise awareness about health and wellness and provides valuable educational opportunities.

Education is a building block for successful communities.  Rogers has secured funding over the years to bring important research funds to Morehead State University.  Most recently, he secured funding for a scientific research initiative  which will not only benefit MSU students and the academic community, but lead to cutting-edge solutions for the U.S. Military.

UNITE Coalitions 

Rowan County UNITE Coalition & Morehead State University Alcohol and Other Drugs Task Force
Coordinator: Ashley Akers 606-889-0422

Coalition Meetings
Noon on the 4th Monday of each month in the conference room of the Rowan County Health Center, 730 West Main Street, Morehead.

Rowan County UNITE

Third Annual Community Anti-Drug Summit

Community members participated in Celebrate Prevention at the third annual Community Anti-Drug Summit in June 2012, at the Adron Doran University Center (third floor, Crager Room) at Morehead State University. 

The summit offered informative sessions on: youth alcohol use, synthetic drugs, methamphetamine, over-the-counter medicine abuse, and local drug trends. In addition, more hands-on learning were provided in areas of: treatment options, enabling and family interventions, concealment places, and keeping youth drug and alcohol free when transitioning from high school to college.

Rowan redribbon 10-09

Rowan County PRIDE 

Bob Wells, Rowan County PRIDE Coordinator
Mayor David Bolt, City of Lakeview Heights PRIDE Coordinator
April Haight, Morehead State Unversity PRIDE Coordinator

Rowan County PRIDE Accomplishments 

Homes Affected by Waste Water Treatment Programs

12 homes in Rowan County have received funding from the Homeowner Septic System Program
134 homes in Rowan County have been affected by the Wastewater Construction Projects
50 homes in Rowan County have been affected by the Corps of Engineers Projects

Cleanup Summary

Following is a summary of cleanup totals for Rowan County:
6 streams/lakes/rivers cleaned
6 dumps eliminated
123 roadways cleaned
281 miles of roadway cleaned
52 individual appliances and .93 tons of appliances collected
614 tires collected
2,626 bags of trash and 277 tons of trash collected
1,954 volunteers contributed 5,118 volunteer hours