Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) released the following statement after the House voted to remove Congressman Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. The historic vote marks the first time that a House Speaker has been stripped of the gavel. As Dean of the House, Congressman Rogers had the honor of swearing in Speaker McCarthy in January. 

“The House made a monumental mistake by ousting Speaker McCarthy. He showed immense courage and leadership by negotiating a deal to avoid a government shutdown, even at the risk of losing his gavel. I am grateful for Speaker McCarthy’s service, and I pray this chamber will select a new leader quickly, so we can get back to work for the American people without reckless targets on the leaders selected by this governing body," said Congressman Rogers, Dean of the House. 

The House is in now in recess until October 10, when Members are expected to resume for a speaker candidate forum. 

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and at home in Kentucky, visit and follow him on social media.