Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) released the following statement about COVID-19 vaccines and distribution in Kentucky:

“This has been a historical week for Southern and Eastern Kentucky as front-line healthcare workers and others received some of the first coronavirus vaccinations in the country.

"The fact that a vaccine is already available is a true testament to the monumental efforts of President Trump and Operation Warp Speed, which developed this vaccine in record time.

"My hope in the vaccine is two-fold: to save lives, and to provide a safe path forward to reopen our schools and businesses, and allow nursing home residents to see their loved ones face-to-face again.

"Today, the Capitol physician began administering the vaccine to Members of Congress, encouraging us to take the vaccine due to the nature of our frequent legislative meetings and travel between Washington and our home states.

"While many have reservations about the vaccine, I received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination today with confidence, knowing that this is the first step for America to beat this pandemic and revive our economy.

"We must ensure that the distribution process is successful across Kentucky and around the United States, and I will continue to work to make sure it is available to everyone who wants to receive it.”

To learn more about Congressman Rogers' work in Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District and in Washington, DC, visit or follow him on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.