Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- Continuing unwaivering efforts to fight for the unborn, Congressman Hal Rogers urges stronger legislation to preserve the sanctity of life in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. 

On Friday, Congressman Rogers sent a joint letter to House and Senate leadership, alongside his colleagues, asking for the Hyde Amendment and the Protecting Life in Crisis Act (H.R. 6742) to be included in any COVID-19-related legislation. The act would extend the long-standing Hyde Amendment, prohibiting the use of any federal funding for abortions, even during the pandemic. Over 115 House Members have signed on to the letter and more than 130 have cosponsored H.R. 6742, including Congressman Rogers.

"Despite the longstanding congressional and public support for the Hyde Amendment, there are already efforts underway to undercut and bypass these long-held protections," the Members stated in the letter. "It is imperative that we demonstrate to the American people that we are listening to them and producing legislation that is reflective of their views. More importantly, by establishing Hyde Amendment protections, we are demonstrating that Congress is working to save every life, no matter how small, in this pandemic."

The letter specifically stated Hyde Amendment protections should be applied to any funding or tax credit that is used to address the nation's healthcare needs during these trying time. The bill prohibits any funds that are authorized or appropriated for the purposes of preventing, preparing for, or responding to the COVID-10 pandemic, domestically and internationally, from going towards abortions or abortion coverage. 

"The respect for life is one of the founding principles of both our nation and of our healthcare system. No system that subsidizes abortions can be said to fully live up to that principle," the Members stated.

In addition to the letter and cosponsoring the Protecting Life in Crisis Act, Congressman Rogers also cosponsored the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2019, which he has done each year since the legislation was first introduced in 2015. 

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District, visit or follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Click here to read the letter.
