Press Releases

U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced today that the U.S. House of Representatives has approved funding for the continued rehabilitation of Wolf Creek Dam. Today, the House passed the FY10 Energy & Water Appropriations Conference Report, which includes $116 million in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ budget for ongoing repairs at the dam. Following Senate passage, this legislation is expected to move to the White House to be signed into law.

“I applaud my colleagues in the House for passing this important funding for Wolf Creek Dam,” said Rogers. “Kentucky’s crown jewel, Lake Cumberland, is open for business and this funding will go a long way towards restoring the lake to its original water level. This process has not been without its challenges as tourism has suffered and hurt the local economy throughout the dam’s construction but I am hopeful these additional funds will keep the overall project moving steadily and safely forward so that we can stay on track for a timely completion.”

The Wolf Creek Dam project is the top dam safety project for the Corps in the nation and in July 2008, the Corps awarded a $341 million joint venture contract to Treviicos-Soletanche JV for the construction of a 4200-foot concrete barrier wall at the dam. Treviicos-Soletanche recently began installation a Protective Concrete Embankment Wall (PCEW), which is the first stage of barrier wall construction and will increase dam safety during the remainder of construction. Once the President signs this legislation into law, $297 million in federal funding will have been dedicated toward this project.

Rogers serves as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee. Through this role, Rogers supports important initiatives in the Fifth Congressional District.