Press Releases

Last evening, on April 24, 2012, Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) received the “Champion of Polio Eradication Award” from Rotary International. Rogers was joined by Congressman Denny Rehberg (MT), Congressman Tom Price (GA), Congressman Norm Dicks (WA), Congressman Steve Austria (OH), Senator Richard Shelby (AL) and Senator Lindsay Graham (SC) in accepting this award.

“Rotary International and the Gates Foundation have shown tremendous, steadfast leadership in working to end polio,” stated Rogers. “I am honored to receive this award and stand with Rotary, one of our world’s premier civic volunteer groups, in fighting this dreadful disease and giving children everywhere a healthy future. We are very close to defeating polio once and for all.”

Rotary International established the Polio Eradication Champion Award in 1995 to honor heads of state and others who have made a significant global contribution to ending polio. Since 1985, polio eradication has been a top priority for Rotary International and members have donated countless hours and over $1 billion to help immunize more than 2 billion children in 122 countries. While there is not cure for polio, a child can be protected against the disease for life for as little as 60 cents. Mass immunization campaigns have reduced the number of polio cases from 350,000 annually in the mid-1980s, to fewer than 700 cases in 2011.

Rogers has served Kentucky’s 5th Congressional District since 1981. With a focus on economic development, job creation, fighting illegal drugs and preserving Appalachia’s natural treasures, he has a reputation for listening to his constituents and fighting for the region he represents. For more information visit or join Rogers on Facebook:!/CongressmanHalRogers or on Twitter:!/RepHalRogers.

Photo Cutline: Rogers receives Champion of Polio Eradication Award. Pictured with Rogers is Jim Lacy, Chair of Rotary’s Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force for the United States, and Rogers' wife Cynthia.
