Press Releases

U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) was in Afghanistan last week to meet with soldiers, key leaders in the military, political and intelligence communities, and to review unit readiness, rotation of forces, equipment and logistical support, and to review ongoing operations in the theater. The visit came at a pivotal time for U.S. forces in Afghanistan as soldiers continue to focus on the fight against terrorism.

“While in Afghanistan I had the opportunity to visit our brave men and women in uniform who are defending our American values in a harsh part of the world. I spoke with troops from Monticello to Paintsville and I’m happy to report that morale is high and that they are optimistic about the task at hand,” said Rogers. “I had several meetings with General Petraeus and was briefed by General Campbell of the 101st Airborne. I traveled to Bagram Air Force Base to visit wounded soldiers, flew to the Panjshir Province to meet with the Afghan Governor there, and traveled to Kabul. I also met with American Drug Force personnel to learn more about the drug war in Afghanistan which supplies 95% of the world’s poppy, a precursor to cocaine. While many challenges lie ahead, I am proud of all that our troops have accomplished, their valor in steadfastly defending our nation, and all the good work they are doing for the people of Afghanistan. My prayers are with our troops and their families. There is no doubt that we are in a battle of ideas to win the allegiance of the Afghani people away from the Taliban, but I believe that we are well-equipped to win that contest.”

Rogers traveled with other Members on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, Congressmen James Moran, Rodney Frelinghuysen and Tom Cole. While in Panjshir, Rogers saw the efforts of the Provincial Reconstruction Team and Kentucky Agribusiness Development Team II located there. He met with Provincial Governor Keramuddin Keram and visited with Jeff Casada and Josh Hancock, soldiers from his district that are working to improve agriculture throughout the Panjshir province. While in Bagram, Rogers received a briefing from General Campbell and met with Jason Joseph and Derek Dennis, soldiers that hail from Southeastern Kentucky. He was also able to visit wounded soldiers at Craig Hospital and thank them for their service. 
From examining the agricultural efforts that are improving techniques for local farmers, to learning more about Afghanistan’s fight against drugs and the implications that has on the United States, Congressman Rogers was able to see the improvements that are being made throughout Afghanistan because of the efforts of U.S. soldiers. Rogers saw that not only is morale high among U.S. soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, they are well trained, well equipped and optimistic about their mission ahead. 
Rogers has served Kentucky’s 5th Congressional District since 1981. As a former Kentucky National Guardsmen, he remains focused on homeland security through his role as Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee and protecting the nation from potential terrorist attacks. For more information visit