Press Releases

U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) issued the following statement today after the Republican Conference passed the earmark moratorium:

“I applaud my Republican colleagues for standing together and passing an earmark moratorium. We are at a crossroads- with the most serious fiscal crisis staring us in the face. Now is the time to fix a broken system and demonstrate to the American people that we are listening- we will rein in spending and get this economy back on track. Make no mistake; this is only the first of many tough decisions that will test our resolve over the coming years. Either we continue the free-spending ways of the past, or we turn back from the edge of fiscal ruin and carry the message of spending reform from the people to the Capitol steps. I am proud of the step we took today and I look forward to championing the measures that we need to take to stop Washington’s spending sprees and start putting the taxpayers first.”