Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced today that $950,000 has been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives for the continued development of Interstate 66 (I-66). The Northern Bypass is a critical link in the nationally designated I-66 project. The Senate is expected to vote on H.R. 3288, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, later this year.

“Putting in place the road infrastructure necessary for real jobs and real economic development across the Commonwealth is the serious goal of I-66,” said Rogers. “It’s no secret that we are in tough economic times, but road construction is a job multiplier, putting local contractors, surveyors, cement companies, and haulers to work. Nevertheless, I-66 isn’t simply about jobs and opportunity right now. It’s about positioning southern and eastern Kentucky on a road to long-term success where our businesses don’t just survive, but thrive and our children have opportunities in the future because we made the necessary investments today. While critics may charge we should get in line and wait our turn, in this fast moving world, that’s a recipe for failure.”

I-66 would provide a vital connection between southern and eastern Kentucky and the nationwide road system. This is crucial to providing residents with better access to health care, opening up communities to tourism, and supporting additional supply lines for new businesses. The highway will also improve safety for people traveling in and around the area.

Rogers works to provide funding for Kentucky transportation funding in his role as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee.