Press Releases
“In my region, prescription drugs have taken their toll on an entire generation, particularly our young people,” said Rogers, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse. “Prescription medicines and over-the-counter cough medications have become the most commonly abused drugs among 12 to 13 year olds. If all of us take the pledge to clean out medicine cabinets and secure our prescriptions, we will greatly reduce the unfortunate misuse of these drugs by young people. Our region can’t afford to let this cycle to continue.”
“The majority of teens who abuse medicines get them from family and friends,” said Steve Pasierb, President and CEO of The Partnership for “We need to change that. With the support of partners like Congressman Rogers, physicians, parents and teens themselves will be more aware of the dangers of medicine abuse.”
Rogers helped launch Operation UNITE in 2003 to battle the drug epidemic in southern and eastern Kentucky. The non-profit organization utilizes a three-pronged approach to rid the region of drugs through law enforcement, helping addicts afford substance abuse treatment, and raising awareness through education in the schools and every community.