Press Releases

Boosts Benefits for Troops and Strengthens U.S. Military
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers voted for the fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House on Friday morning. The bill strengthens national defense at our southern border and against our adversaries overseas. It also invests in the strength and quality of life of our U.S. Armed Forces, including a significant pay increase for junior enlisted servicemembers, while also improving other benefits for our nation’s heroes and their spouses. 
“This bill lays the groundwork for federal funding that is essential to American defense, starting with additional support for the men and women who bravely serve and protect this great nation,” said Congressman Rogers, Dean of the House. “With rising threats from China, Iran and Russia, we must remain vigilant in our efforts to deter aggression and maintain firm defense on every side. This bill also fully authorizes funds for the deployment of the National Guard at the southern border to ensure our homeland security."   
The NDAA will boost the morale of servicemembers, improving housing, healthcare and other benefits, as well as a 19.5% pay raise for junior officers. 
The legislation also advances America’s global strength by preventing Chinese espionage in our military, supply chains and research institutions. It also expands U.S.-Israel military exercises and funds cooperative missile defense programs. The bill increases funds for U.S. defense initiatives in the Indo-Pacific to bolster Taiwan’s defense and support Indo-Pacific allies. 
We will also save $30 billion in the bill by cutting inefficient programs, obsolete weapons, and red tape at the Pentagon. 
Read more about the FY25 NDAA HERE.