Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) cosponsored the Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act, as the war against terrorism continues in the Holy Land. The bill will ensure the safe return of American citizens, and provides $14.3 billion in federal funding to support Israeli missile defense systems and military equipment for Israel Defense Forces. House Republicans fully offset the emergency funding by cutting the Biden Administration's unnecessary IRS expansion. 

"The United States will always stand with Israel. This emergency funding will not only support the Iron Dome and David's Sling, but also sends a powerful message to all terror support groups who brutally attack our allies," said Congressman Rogers, Dean of the House. "It is vital that we not only condemn Hamas' acts of terrorism, but ensure Israeli forces have the resources necessary to defeat this evil enemy." 

The House passed a resolution in October strongly condemning acts of terrorism by Hamas. 

In addition to replenishing Israeli defense systems and advanced weapons, the bill provides $200 million for the protection of U.S. personnel, embassy security and evacuations of U.S. citizens. 

The House passed the bill by a vote of 226 to 196. It now moves on to the Senate for consideration. 

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and at home in Kentucky, visit and follow him on social media.