Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. House of Representatives called on President Biden to release defense weapons to Israel that were recently approved by Congress. President Biden signaled he will withhold weapons if Israel goes into Rafah, a stronghold of Hamas terrorists. On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers (KY-05) voted for the bipartisan Israel Security Support Act, urging the President to follow the will of Congress.

“Israel has the right to self-defense, and the United States Congress has voted with overwhelming support for our greatest ally in the Middle East. With rising threats from highly-organized, evil terrorist groups, now is not the time to withhold these critical resources from Israel. President Biden needs to follow the very legislation that he signed into law,” said Congressman Rogers, Dean of the House. "This bill requires delivery of weapons within 15 days, and federal funding within 30 days, and I urge the Senate to bring this bill to a vote.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson also supported the legislation, calling the President’s actions a betrayal to Israel.

“The Biden Administration’s decision to withhold weapons is catastrophic and goes directly against the will of Congress,” Speaker Johnson said. “With the passage of the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, we send a clear message of solidarity and support to Israel and demand the urgent delivery of defense weapons to our most important ally in the Middle East.

President Biden issued a veto threat on the bill, while Senate Leader Chuck Schumer said he will not bring it to a vote.

“The President’s threat to veto this legislation and Leader Schumer’s refusal to bring it to a vote in the Senate are acts of betrayal to our closest ally in the region. What’s more alarming is the 184 House Democrats that joined them in siding with the radical, pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic party. Security assistance to Israel is an urgent priority that must not be delayed,” said Speaker Johnson.

For more information about Congressman Rogers’ work in Washington and at home in Kentucky, visit and follow him on social media.