Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) applauded passage of the nation's bipartisan two-year federal budget deal in the U.S. House of Representatives. The House passed the Bipartisan Budget Agreement of 2015 (H.R. 1314) after Rogers presented the House amendment today. The agreement averts a government shutdown and prevents the economic damage of a default by suspending the debt limit for two years. 

The agreement helps advance the nation toward goals of fiscal stability, strong national security, and entitlement reform. It also includes a critical Medicare fix to prevent a burdensome 52% fee increase in Medicare Part B premiums scheduled to take effect at the beginning of 2016. 

"A two-year plan provides much needed certainty to the appropriations process, ensuring our ability to make thoughtful, responsible funding decisions," said Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. "Having established, agreed-upon top line numbers for both FY16 and FY17 will allow Congress to do its work on behalf of the American people, and avoid a harmful government shutdown. This is particularly crucial when it comes to our national security: It provides the Pentagon with the certainty needed to plan for the future, maintain readiness, and provide for our troops."

The U.S. Senate has until midnight on Thursday to pass the budget agreement to avoid a federal debt limit default.

Click here to read Chairman Rogers' complete floor statement on the Bipartisan Budget Agreement of 2015.

C-SPAN Video: Rogers manages federal bipartisan budget deal on the House floor

