Press Releases

U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) released the following statement regarding his opposition to President Obama’s support of a government run health care program and put forward his ideas for real health care reform:

“We don’t need a new speech. We need a new bill.

“The bill I support protects Medicare and Medicaid; ensures workers can take their insurance between jobs; allows citizens to shop for insurance across state lines; helps small businesses join together to get a better insurance rate; and limits junk lawsuits against doctors so they don’t have to practice “defensive medicine” at a huge expense to the rest of us.

“The bill we need would preserve our right to choose our own doctor; would prevent public funds from paying for abortions; rejects a huge government bureaucracy to run our health system, ensures individual rights and decisions; and would not bankrupt our nation as the President’s plan would.”