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WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) presided over a federal budget hearing with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to discuss the Department's budget request for international affairs programs, as well as sanctions, terrorist financing and anti-money laundering programs for fiscal year 2018.

The hearing was briefly delayed after the shooting Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia that injured Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Capitol Police officers, and a congressional staff member. 

Rogers, who serves as Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommitte on State and Foreign Operations, began the hearing with a moment of recognition for those injured

"Before we proceed with the hearing, I want to take a moment to say that our thoughts and prayers are with my friend, Steve Scalise, and his family, as well as the Capital Police officers, and staff injured by the shooting this morning.  This is all very troubling and sad.  We hope and pray for a full and quick recovery for all involved. We're also deeply grateful for the men and women of the Capitol Police who selflessly dedicate themselves to protecting us each and every day."

In his opening remarks, Chairman Rogers asked how President Trump's "buy American and hire American" policy is being received by international trading partners; whether we are getting international cooperation on sanctions against Russia, North Korea, and Iran; and how other donor countries are responding to the President's proposed cuts to foreign assistance. He also asked how the Department could ensure payments to multilateral development banks are not used to provide assistancee to countries that support terrorism. 

"Mr. Secretary, U.S. assistance is intended to aid those who are suffering from famine, poverty, and disease, not to enrich their governments, especially if their government is corrupt or violent, or provides safe haven to terrorists," said Chairman Rogers. "For years, the State, Foreign Operations bill has included a prohibition against providing U.S. foreign assistance to governments that either provide sanctuary for terrorists or otherwise support international terrorism." 

Sec. Mnuchin said the Department would do everything within its power to ensure no payments to multilateral development banks go to countries that support terrorism. 

To watch the full hearing, visit

Treasury Budget Hearing FY18

WATCH: House Budget Hearing with Treasury Sec. Mnuchin