Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) voted for three federal funding bills for fiscal year 2024 that passed the House on Thursday night, including Homeland Security, Defense, and State and Foreign Operations. The bills provide vital funding for national security, border control, and important measures to counter aggression from China, while also cutting wasteful spending and rejecting President Biden's failed economic and border policies.  

"As we work diligently to avoid a government shutdown, we must continue to press forward by passing commonsense funding bills that fulfill our commitment to the American people to serve and protect this great nation. The Biden Administration's reckless spending has resulted in greater inflation and high interest rates that are still impacting families and businesses across the country, especially in rural areas, like Eastern Kentucky where fixed incomes are stretched far too thin," said Congressman Rogers, a senior appropriator. "It is my hope that these funding bills will build support and unity as we move forward." 

The Homeland Security Appropriations Bill provides $91.5 billion to secure our borders, including a record number of Border Patrol Agents, improved technology and construction of physical barriers at the southwest border. It also prohibits funding facilitating abortions and gender-affirming care for ICE detainees. It also includes more than $20 billion for major disasters. 

The Defense Appropriations Bill provides more than $826 billion to bolster national defense, support our military service members with modernized resources, prioritize the fight against China, and thwart the flow of fentanyl and other illegal drugs into the United States. 

The State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill includes $51.5 billion to strengthen national security, while reining in wasteful spending by more than $11 billion over the last two years. The legislation increases oversight of all funds, maintains pro-life protections, continues our unwavering support for Israel and key allies in the Middle East, and focuses on national security interests in the Indo-Pacific to counter influence from Communist China. It also prohibits funding to be used to advance the Biden Administration's liberal agenda. 

The House Appropriations Committee has taken action on all 12 federal spending bills for fiscal year 2024, of which the full House has passed four. The bills now head to the U.S. Senate for consideration. 

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work on Capitol Hill and at home in Kentucky, visit or follow him on social media. 

Click here to read the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill.

Click here to read the Defense Appropriations Bill. 

Click here to read the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill.