Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced today that the United States House of Representatives has approved $13.45 million to fight drug abuse throughout the country. Locally, the funding will support the ongoing efforts of Operation UNITE. On the national level, funding is provided for the Department of Justice (DOJ) Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, which lends support to state-based prescription drug monitoring systems, including the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) program. The Senate is expected to vote on this final, comprehensive spending legislation later this year.

“The epidemic of drug abuse has impacted every community and nearly every family in Southern and Eastern Kentucky. Thankfully, our churches, local leaders, businessmen and women and kids of all ages have rallied together and are fighting to break the scourge of drugs and clean up our streets,” said Rogers. “Programs like Operation UNITE and the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program are making a difference and provide valuable resources to our law enforcement, doctors, schools, and neighborhoods. Our hills abound with success stories as a direct result of the work Operation UNITE is undertaking and this funding allows us to continue to fight for an addict to get help, a young person to never start, and drug pushers to get out.”

H.R. 3288, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, includes: 
        • $4.45 million for Operation UNITE to continue and expand community engagement, drug-free school programs, criminal investigations, drug court initiatives, and other important anti-drug activities already flourishing in southern and eastern Kentucky. 
        • $1 million for Operation UNITE to continue its substance abuse treatment and voucher program. 
        • $1 million for Operation UNITE to continue its multi-school substance abuse counseling and curriculum development program. 
        • $7 million for the DOJ Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to continue its state assistance grant program to prevent and detect the diversion and abuse of pharmaceutical controlled substances, particularly at the retail level, where no other automated information exists. This initiative will also develop interstate information sharing on drug purchases.

Operation UNITE, which stands for Unlawful Narcotics Investigations, Treatment and Education, serves 29 counties in southern and eastern Kentucky. The region-wide program has three main tasks: creating regional drug task forces for interdiction, confiscation and undercover operations; organizing local citizens’ groups and coordinating drug treatment programs; and working with educators to expand drug awareness and education programs in local schools.

To date, UNITE detectives have removed over $9 million worth of drugs off the street, including more than 92,900 prescription pills, more than 23 pounds of cocaine, over 450 pounds of processed marijuana and over 11.75 pounds of methamphetamine. Their efforts have led to the arrests of more than 3,300 drug dealers and a 97% conviction rate. Operation UNITE also provides non-violent offenders and those grappling with addiction with a second chance—over 2,000 people have participated in UNITE drug court programs, and more than 1,500 individuals have received vouchers for treatment. Finally, Operation UNITE continues to educate our youth about the dangers of drug abuse; to date, 64,595 counseling sessions have taken place with UNITE substance abuse counselors. For more information on UNITE, visit or call 866-678-6483.

Through his role as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, Rogers works to secure valuable funding for important initiatives in the Fifth Congressional District.