Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) helped lead House passage of three more federal funding bills last week for fiscal year 2025, making the nation’s security a top priority through the bills for Defense, Homeland Security, and State and Foreign Operations. House Republicans are aggressively working to deliver on their commitment to America through tough oversight of taxpayer dollars, cutting wasteful spending proposed by the Biden Administration, and investing in a stronger America.  

“It is clear that the Biden Administration is failing the American people, and our global power cannot continue to suffer the weak military policies and border insecurity that threatens our strength as a nation. These three federal funding bills invest in our service men and women, providing them with the modernized equipment and intelligence capabilities to protect and defend our homeland,” said Congressman Rogers, Dean of the House and a senior appropriator. “These bills also ensure taxpayer dollars are not used for abortions, gender transition procedures, and censoring Americans’ free speech, among other extreme liberal policies.”

“In Kentucky, the bills invest in ongoing work to manufacture supplies for our servicemembers, as well as improvements to FEMA operations, and rural carveouts for training local law enforcement,” continued Rogers.

The Defense Appropriations Act invests in a modernized military, including a pay raise for all military personnel and a 15% pay increase for junior enlisted servicemembers, which was opposed by the Biden Administration. It prioritizes our fight against Communist China and boosts counterdrug enforcement efforts, as illicit fentanyl continues to flow across our borders from China and Mexico. It also maintains our longstanding support of Israel’s defense and pushes back on President Biden’s efforts to withhold support for our ally. 

The State and Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act strengthens national security by safeguarding our global economic interests, supporting our allies and partners, and promoting democracy and freedom abroad. It eliminates unnecessary programs and prohibits efforts to promote the Biden Administration’s extreme climate agenda, and other liberal policies.

The Homeland Security Appropriations Act focuses on the border crisis by investing in 22,000 Border Patrol agents, adding $600 million for construction of the wall at the southern border, and billions to remove dangerous illegal immigrants from our country.  

“President Biden’s open border policies have deeply threatened the safety of our communities with deadly fentanyl and other synthetic drugs flowing onto our streets, as well as a record number of illegal immigrants crippling our economy. This bill will go a long way to address this crisis and protect the American people,” said Congressman Rogers. 

The legislation now moves on to the Senate for consideration.  

Click here for more information about the Defense Appropriations Act

Click here for more information about the State and Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act.

Click here for more information about the Homeland Security Appropriations Act.

Rep. Rogers addresses the full House Appropriations Committee