Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers has served on the U.S. House Appropriations Committee for more than 30 years and for the first time, House Democrats have stripped the historic, bipartisan pro-life Hyde Amendment from one of the nation's federal funding bills. Congressman Rogers spoke in support of leaving the Hyde Amendment in place, ensuring taxpayer funds cannot be used to fund abortions and protecting healthcare providers from being forced to perform abortions.

"I served as Chair of this Committee for six years--all of which took place during the Obama Administration, and four of those years we had a Democrat-led Senate. Never did we strike Hyde. Never," said Congressman Rogers. "There is simply no compromising on including the Hyde language because it saves lives. Plain and simple. Since this language was first included in 1976, over 2.4 million lives have been saved. The right to life is guaranteed by the Constitution and vested in each human being. We must uphold that right in this Committee by including this language and protecting innocent lives."

Committee Democrats removed the Hyde Amendment from the fiscal year 2022 federal funding bill for Labor, Health, Human Services and Education.

Congressman Rogers attended a press conference on Thursday afternoon in Washington with Committee Republicans, as part of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus.

"The majority of Americans agree – taxpayers should not be forced to fund abortions with their hard-earned tax dollars. It is imperative that we demonstrate to the American people that we are listening to them and producing legislation that is reflective of their views," said Congressman Rogers. "The respect for life is one of the founding principles of both our nation and of our healthcare system. No system that subsidizes abortions can be said to fully live up to that principle."

For more information about Congressman Rogers' work in Washington and at home in Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District, visit and follow him on social media

Hyde Saves Lives