Press Releases


We have covered a lot of ground on Capitol Hill this week, from passing legislation to protect small business owners, to protecting our land and waterways from burdensome regulations, to prohibiting intrusive bans on hunting and fishing on federal land. However, nothing is more important than our work to promote peace and safety in America, at our southern border and on college campuses across the country.  


The antisemitic demonstrations taking place on some of America’s college campuses are out of control. Countless students are too afraid to walk to class as a result of the aggressive protests that have resulted in multiple arrests. That’s why I joined my colleagues in voting for the Antisemitism Awareness Act, expressing the sense of Congress that discrimination against Jews may violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The legislation also requires the Department of Education to consider the 2016 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism for the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws on college campuses. 


In the midst of rising antisemitic violence across the country, President Biden is now considering a proposal to bring Palestinian refugees from Gaza to the United States, which would unequivocally create a national security risk on our own soil. His top priority should be leading the way for the safe release of American hostages being held by Hamas and securing our nation, not opening the gate for potential members of Hamas or other terrorist groups to have a direct flight to our own back yard.

Terror watchlist


We also passed a House Resolution denouncing the Biden administration’s immigration policies and lack of immigration enforcement, which have allowed at least 6.4 million illegal immigrants from the southwest border to travel directly into American communities. In fact, subpoenaed records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed more than 400,000 illegal immigrants were flown into the country by the DHS, arriving in 45 different U.S. cities. America is experiencing the worst border security crisis in our nation’s history, and President Biden refuses to stop it. Last year, the House passed the Secure the Border Act to stop the surge of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs flooding into the United States, but Senate Democrats have refused to bring up the bill for a vote.

NG Hearing

Despite the growing crisis on our own soil, President Biden has proposed to cut our Defense budget yet again. During a hearing with National Guard General Daniel Hokanson and the chiefs of our military reserves, we discussed complex military challenges and the importance of ensuring our service members receive the benefits they deserve. Click here to watch the hearing.



In recognition of National Small Business Week, I want to applaud our small businesses across Southern and Eastern Kentucky for creating jobs and expanding opportunities in our rural region. This week, we passed several bills in support of small businesses, including legislation to increase capital available in rural areas, a clearer federal contracting process for small businesses, and more resources for entrepreneurs with disabilities. Bidenomics have failed our small businesses, driving up costs due to inflation, increasing taxes and implementing unnecessary regulations that are making it hard to keep their doors open. The National Federation of Independent Businesses recently reported that the Small Business Optimism Index is the lowest in 12 years. 


In Kentucky’s Appalachian region, having access to high performance broadband is critical to our small businesses. I was happy to discuss the challenges and progress we’re making toward more broadband access with Kentucky’s Rural Broadband Association during their visit to Washington, DC this week. They shared several stories in some of our most rural counties where gigabit service is now helping increase real estate sales and job opportunities. This news is an exciting example of much-needed growth that will continue with more access to broadband in our region.



Power grabs by the federal government are never good for the American people, yet the Biden Administration continues to restrict access to public land and waterways. The most recent efforts have restricted our energy independence and made it more difficult to stop illicit drugs from being shipped into our country. We passed a series of House bills this week to rein in burdensome regulations on public lands and restore power back to our communities. 

I also voted for the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act to prohibit the Biden Administration’s proposal to ban the use of lead in ammunition and tackle on federal land and water by 2026. This unnecessary ban would force hunters and fishing enthusiasts to buy more expensive lead-free ammo and tackle, which typically costs far more than lead-based options. The latest market reports show fishing tackle made of tin costs nearly $14.50 per pound, compared to $0.98 per pound for lead tackle, while lead-free hunting ammunition costs nearly 25-percent more. The proposed ban does not currently impact any Kentucky areas. Click here to learn more:


Finally, we are winding down the 2024 Congressional Art Competition for high school students in Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District. The winning artwork will be displayed in the Capitol Building and the winning artist will receive two free airline tickets to attend the national reception for this year’s winners in Washington, DC this summer. All entries can be submitted by emailing a photo of the artwork to, along with the student entry formby Monday, May 6th. Guidelines for the competition, along with access to the entry form are available on my website: comp