Press Releases

Washington, DC - Ranking Member of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations (SFOPS), Hal Rogers (R-KY), released the following statement regarding the illegal immigration crisis at our southern border and assistance for Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. 
“With nearly four decades of experience on the House Appropriations Committee, I have seen, first-hand, the cyclical economic and security problems that exist in Central America’s Northern Triangle countries. The influx of illegal immigrant caravans and families at our Southern border is at an all-time high. This is a humanitarian and security crisis, and there is bipartisan agreement that the governments of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala must participate in the solution.
“I agree with President Trump that our foreign policy in the region should have the net effect of curtailing illegal immigration and that our investments in the region must be tied to results. For this very reason, I have maintained significant conditions on assistance to the region to ensure that countries receiving aid are actively working to prevent illegal migration, combat corruption, and counter transnational criminal organizations.
“However, I am concerned that indiscriminately blocking all foreign aid may exacerbate the problem, leading to even more illegal immigrants showing up at our border. I am awaiting further information from Secretary of State Pompeo on the details of this policy decision and look forward to seeing how we can work together to find solutions that will be effective in solving this crisis once and for all.”