
Dear Friend,

Members of the new 114th Congress were sworn into office on Tuesday, January 6th to begin working for the American people and I am honored to begin my 18th term as the U.S. Representative for the people of southern and eastern Kentucky. 

Some of our top priorities in the new Republican-led Congress include reforming the tax code, creating jobs, repealing Obamacare, reining in the job-killing policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, improving national security in the midst of on-going terrorist attacks around the world, and working to halt President Obama's executive amnesty order for millions of illegal immigrants. 

In our second week of legislation, we're already making great progress toward several of those goals, including House passage of the 2015 federal funding bill for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (H.R. 240) that includes five amendments aimed at curtailing the President's unconstitutional executive amnesty plan. Click here to read more about the legislation or watch my floor speech on the issue by clicking on the photo above.

It's time for Congress to get back to regular order -- debating amendments and passing bills -- truly functioning by the design of our Nation's forefathers.  

As we begin considering new legislation and amendments, I want to hear from you. Please let me know what your top priority is for the new Congress, by taking my short survey. Simply click the survey button to submit your response. 

Last week, the House passed a bill to approve construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a project supported by 72% of Americans to create jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. We also passed the "Save American Workers Act," a bill that I cosponsored to restore the 40-hour work week and repeal the Obamacare 30-hour rule that has cut American paychecks by as much as 25%. Both bills passed the House and now head to the Senate. Read more >>>

I recently chatted with Matthew Rand at WYMT-TV about the new 114th Congress, our priorities this year, and working with Senator Mitch McConnell in his new role as Senate Majority Leader. Click the video below to see the story:

CLIPS: Watch more of the WYMT interview by clicking on each issue:



In Eastern Kentucky, we have exciting projects underway through the SOAR initiative, as we continue to work in a unified effort toward "Shaping Our Appalachian Region." Review the information below about recent announcements and the upcoming 2015 SOAR Strategy Summit. 


Governor Beshear, Congressman Rogers Launch Statewide Broadband Initiative, Beginning in Eastern Kentucky

$21,000 Grant Announced for the Jackson County Regional Food Center

SAVE THE DATE: February 16, 2015 

SOAR Strategy Summit at the East Kentucky Exposition Center in Pikeville, Kentucky


If you would like to receive more frequent updates on what's happening in Washington, please send me an email, join my Facebook pagefollow me on Twitter, or subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you to everyone who has dropped by to share your opinion -- let's keep the dialogue going!

