Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) continues to stand firm against amnesty, while working diligently as Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee on federal discretionary funding for the rest of the year.

"There's no one stronger than me against unilateral action by the President on” immigration. (CNN, 11/13/14) 

If President Obama acts on immigration before the spending bill is done, there will be an “explosion.” (Fox News, 11/13/14)

"I don't want a shutdown and I don't want the threat of a shutdown. Because that doesn't serve our purposes." (Associated Press, 11/13/14)

House Appropriations Chairman Harold Rogers said Wednesday that he and House leaders are committed to passing an omnibus spending bill by the end of the year. (CQ, 11/12/14)

Read more about the state of play in Congress: GOP debates its immigration strategy as Obama prepares executive action. (The Washington Post, 11/13/14)

Rogers has served Kentucky’s 5th Congressional District since 1981. With a focus on economic development, job creation, fighting illegal drugs and preserving Appalachia’s natural treasures, he has a reputation for listening to his constituents and fighting for the region he represents. For more information, visit or follow Rogers on Twitter @RepHalRogers or on Facebook @CongressmanHalRogers.   
