Press Releases

Today, after testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee of the Kentucky General Assembly,  U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) led hundreds of people from across Kentucky in a rally at the Capitol Rotunda in support of Senate Bill 45 and its companion, House Bill 281. The bills would require a prescription for pseudoephedrine, the main ingredient in methamphetamine. Shortly after Rogers’ testimony, members voted to pass Senate Bill 45 out of committee.

“This bill isn’t about eliminating cold medications. It’s about saving lives, and it can be done by requiring a prescription for just 15 boxes of pseudoephedrine products,” said Rogers in his testimony. “Yes, we will be inconvenienced a little in buying pseudoephedrine-based medicines. But, you are inconvenienced a little by having to stop at red lights,  or by having to take off your shoes at the airport gate, but you know you’ll be safe. Would you trade a little inconvenience to save the life of a child? I would.”

More than 400 people from across the state rallied with Rogers in support of the bills aimed at stifling the state’s meth epidemic. The measure also has the endorsement of Senate President David Williams, House Speaker Greg Stumbo, Attorney General Jack Conway, the Kentucky Education Association, Kentucky Medical Association, Kentucky State Police, Kentucky Academy of Family Physicians, Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police, Kentucky Jailer’s Association, Appalachia HIDTA Drug Task Force and Operation UNITE.

Senate Bill 45 and House Bill 281 are modeled after successful legislation enacted in Oregon, where less than 25 meth lab sites have been reported in each of the last four years. In addition, the bill requires pseudoephedrine to be a schedule IV controlled substance, allowing it to be tracked by Kentucky’s All-Scheduled Prescription Electronic Reporting system (KASPER). The 9-gram limit for 30 days would remain in effect. Four of the seven states bordering Kentucky are considering similar legislation: Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee and Virginia.

Rogers has served Kentucky’s 5th Congressional District since 1981. With a focus on economic development, job creation, fighting illegal drugs and preserving Appalachia’s natural treasures, he has a reputation for listening to his constituents and fighting for the region he represents. For more information visit
