Press Releases
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05) announced today that Knox County Fiscal Court will receive a $75,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Program (USDA-RD) to clean up the old Knox County Hospital in order for Union College to expand its academic programs into the building. This funding is vital to completing the conversion of the former hospital into new academic facilities for the college to develop a full-fledged nursing program.
“Providing new career opportunities for our young people is key to moving our region forward,” said Rogers. “Union College’s efforts to expand their academic programs to include nursing will not only help our students; it will also help our local communities address important health care needs and no longer force our health care providers to search for a workforce outside our region. Developing people from within our community to learn the necessary skills to administer medicine, and care for our children, neighbors and citizens are critical to the well-being of our district.”
USDA-RD’s $75,000 grant will be combined with $25,000 from local sources to remove hazardous materials and debris from the abandoned, old Knox County Hospital site in Barbourville, Kentucky. Once the site has been cleaned up, Union College will use it to expand their academic facilities to establish a Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) training program. This program will help to alleviate the critical shortage of trained nurses throughout Appalachia and the nation. In addition, the building will be available to the community for special classes, meetings, symposiums, training and other activities.
Rogers currently serves as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee. Through this role, Rogers supports important initiatives in the Fifth Congressional District.