Press Releases

Includes protections for miners' pensions, provides more funding for economic development in coal country, continues the fight against opioid abuse, protects the sanctity of life, boosts military service members' & veterans' benefits and addresses border security

WASHINGTON, DC -- As a senior member of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) successfully advocated for vital programs that impact Southern and Eastern Kentuckians to be included in the final two federal funding packages for Fiscal Year 2020.

Together, the bills include vital protections for miners' pensions, provides another round of funding for economic development on abandoned mine lands in Kentucky, and supports continued efforts to combat drug abuse nationwide. 

Congressman Rogers spoke on the House Floor in support of both funding packages for FY2020. 

"The first package before us today reflects our commitment to our nation’s security and our military leadership across the world. The Department of Defense receives additional resources to support our warfighters with the best available technology. We also provide these brave men and women with a hard-earned and well-deserved pay raise. Within the committee, I have been particularly focused on keeping the DOD’s electronic health record on track, and this bill takes bold steps in the right direction to ensure our service members continue to receive the best possible care when they transition out of active duty into the VA," said Congressman Rogers. "Second, President Trump is rightly focused on addressing the crisis at our southern border, and this legislation will support his efforts to end the seemingly unending flow of drugs that find their way into nearly every American community, as well as the violence of the brutal cartels who profit from this trade."

The legislation also aims to rebuild our military, boosts benefits for military service members and veterans, and funds the border wall and security needs at our southern border.

"I am exceedingly proud that two bills I cosponsored to protect our retired miners are included. It ensures that these hard-working individuals receive the health care and pensions they’ve earned, and I hope the 100,000 families impacted by this provision will have peace of mind heading into the holiday season," said Congressman Rogers, in his second speech on the House Floor. "This bill also provides $115 million for the AML Pilot Program, which has been monumentally successful in creating new economic development opportunities in Appalachia. This funding is a strong compliment to the Appalachian Regional Commission, which is robustly funded at $175 million in this package."

The funding packages also maintain all pro-life protections, support the Second Amendment, and repeal the most damaging Obamacare taxes.  

The House approved both federal funding packages on Tuesday. The bills now move on to the Senate for consideration before the federal funding deadline expires on Friday night.

Click here to see a full list of appropriations highlights for Southern and Eastern Kentucky.

Click here to watch Congressman Rogers' House Floor speech in support of H.R. 1158.

Click here to watch Congressman Rogers' House Floor speech in support of H.R. 1865.