Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC -- As federal relief efforts continue for workers and employers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congressman Hal Rogers cosponsored federal legislation introduced today to provide additional support to rebuild the workforce. The Reopening America by Supporting Workers and Businesses Act of 2020 effectively turns unemployment benefits into a back-to-work bonus, giving low-income workers added incentive to return to work. 

"Now that restrictions are lifting and many of our businesses are reopening, this legislation will allow workers to keep two weeks of unemployment benefits when they return to the jobs they lost as a result of the pandemic. America's success relies on a healthy, active workforce," said Congressman Rogers, a senior Member of the House Appropriations Committee who cosponsored the legislation. "This bill will provide an added boost for our dedicated workers, ensuring these businesses can reopen and begin producing the great products and services we rely on." 

The CARES Act provided $600/week in supplemental unemployment benefits to support individuals who lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The time limited back-to-work bonuses will allow those same individuals to continue receiving $600/week for two addtional weeks after accepting a job, helping accelerate the economic recovery across the country. 

The legislation also provides clarity for the unemployment claimants about return to work obligations and good cause exceptions.  It also provides relief for non-profit organizations, off-setting up-front costs for unemployment benefits. 

For more information, about Congressman Rogers' support of the CARES Act and other relief efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit